Floods are a common hazard in the United States no matter where you live. Some develop slowly, while others such as flash floods, can develop quickly without visible signs of rain. Floods can be local, impacting a neighborhood or community (especially if you live in a low-lying area, near water or downstream from a dam), or very large, affecting entire river basins and multiple states. Floodplains are home to (10) million households.
In an average year, floods kill (150) people and cause over $3 billion in property damage. National average annual flood losses continue to increase. The majority of flood-related deaths are caused by people in a hurry to get to safety and attempting to drive through moving water. Find out if roads are closed due to flooding at the Kansas Department of Transportation. Stay apprised of severe weather warnings and flash flooding using the National Weather Service Radar Map.
Protecting your property from flooding can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining the building to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the structure of your building or their utility systems, should be carried out by qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state, county, or city. One example of flood protection is using flood-resistant construction materials.
Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage
Install Sewer Backflow Valves(PDF, 304KB)
Anchor Fuel Tanks(PDF, 548KB)
Raise Electrical System Components(PDF, 256KB)
Building with Flood Damage Resistant Materials(PDF, 299KB)
An inch of water can cause costly damage to your property. Flash flooding usually causes more damage to a building's contents than damage to the building itself. You'll want to think about coverage for your personal property items as well as the structure of your building. Your personal belongings help make your house, apartment, condominium, mobile home, or co-op unit a home. You don't want to risk losing them in the event of a flood.
The UG participated in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which is a program administered by FEMA and provides discounted flood insurance to our community. It is sold by most insurance companies. Your local agent can help you get coverage. You should also review the limits and exclusions of the policy carefully with your agent...More
Note: there is a waiting period before your flood insurance coverage becomes effective:
The standard waiting period for a Flood Insurance Policy to go into effect is (30) days from the application and premium payment date. One exception to this rule occurs when Flood Insurance is required for a mortgage loan, in which case the effective date for Flood Insurance coverage is the loan closing date.
Do not walk or drive in flooded areas. For safety tips and guidance for a flood-related event visit Flood Safety | Flood Preparedness | American Red Cross.
Complete Guide to Flood Safety and Preparedness
Flood Safety Tips ( Consejos de Seguridad en Caso de Inundacion)
Children and Disasters Stay Healthy After the Flood
Stay Safe After the Flood; this Federal Emergency Management Agency fact sheet Floods; Red Cross Flood Safety; Emergency Kit Checklist; Flood History and Causes
Family Emergency Planning
Are you ready to put your planning skills to good use? Are you ready to help your family get prepared for the unexpected? Use this website to create a plan.
You're already a great planner! Every day you get your homework done, get to music or sports practice on time and plan where and when you'll meet up with friends. But how do you get prepared for emergencies?
It's simple! It just takes planning and practice and these fun activities from Ready Kids can help!
Major Transportation Routes & Transportation Coordination
Shelter Information
There are multiple emergency shelter locations that are opened in the event of an emergency. Not all shelters are open at the same time; during a natural disaster event, the shelters opened to service the community will be publicized on the UG webstie. Shelters service special needs and pets/animals.
For concerns: contact the 311 Call Center: P: (913) 573-5311
For Emergencies: call 911.
In the event of a natural disaster, Eisenhower Recreation Center would be the first location made available:
Eisenhower Recreation Center
Address | P: (913) 596-7050
Below is a check list of items to bring to a shelter in the event of an emergency:
- prescription & emergency medication
- extra clothing
- pillows
- blankets
- hygiene supplies
- flashlight with extra batteries
- small board games
- books for entertainment
- specialty snacks and juices for those with dietary restrictions
- basic snacks
- baby food and formula
- diapers
- beach chair or camp chair
- identification - including license and FPL or other utility bill
- insurance papers
- other comfort items
Additionally, special items for children and infants, such as diapers, formulas and toys, should be brought, along with other items for family members who are elderly or disabled.