Thank you to everyone who mowed and trimmed in the right-of-way on their property last year! Public Works appreciates your assistance! In the past, Public Works’ Street Division mowed or trimmed the right-of-way in many areas, but the two most recent Citizen Surveys showed that street maintenance is a higher priority. To meet the expectations of residents, the Board of Commissioners worked with staff to phase out right-of-way mowing in 2018. Beginning in 2019, Public Works will only mow and trim publicly-owned property in the right-of-way. This change will allow Public Works to focus resources on curb replacement, alleyway improvements, and increased pothole patching. This letter is a friendly reminder that all property owners are responsible for mowing or trimming in the right-of-way on their property. Roadside ditches should also be maintained, but vegetation may not be entirely removed or killed without approval from the Unified Government. For undeveloped or agricultural land, property owners only need to maintain the first 25ft from the road or curb edge. Property owners who do not mow or maintain their right-of-way may be subject to fines. Thank you again to everyone who mowed and trimmed their property in the right-of-way last year! Public Works looks forward to focusing more on what is important to all residents – street maintenance – through this change. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the department at (913) 573-5400
Right-of-way means the area on, below, or above the present and future streets, alleys, roads, highways, boulevards, bridges, bikeways, parkways, sidewalks, or other land dedicated or acquired as public right-of-way.
All persons or entities owning land adjacent to public right-of-way or easement, upon which improvements are located, are responsible for the maintenance and repair of such improvements, including but not limited to the sidewalks, driveways, culverts, ditch maintenance, driveway approach, private street, private sewer, and tree trimming.
To find out where you should mow, visit our Mow to the Curb Map and type in your address.
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