Reported runaway children picked up by police are taken to the Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center (JIAC). This is not the same as the detention center. The child will be interviewed about his/her home, habits, school attendance, etc.
The parent(s) will be contacted to come and pick him/her up from JIAC, which is located at 6th and Tauromee. You can pick your child up or refuse. If you refuse, JIAC staff will make a report to SRS, and an SRS worker will contact you. Call JIAC (913) 621-3523 about the program.
SRS workers are trained to work with families to attempt to keep children out of the state’s custody. They have a service that they can offer called Family Preservation Services. They may also be able to help in other ways. If your child goes into state’s custody (custody of SRS) and continues to run from his/her court-ordered placement repeatedly, then the assistant district attorney assigned to the case may file a request to place your child in a secure place for at least (60) days, where intensive services are provided. This is a locked facility where the child cannot leave.