
EngineeringThe Engineering Division is responsible for the design and construction of infrastructure projects. These projects include all street and bridge construction, storm and sanitary sewer construction, and all traffic engineering.

Our division includes:

  • County Engineer
  • Staff of five licensed professional engineers
  • Three engineers in training

All who specialize in the various facets of civil engineering. Other staff members include a licensed professional land surveyor, and a certified inspection staff.

We provide engineering services and manage design projects of the Unified Government which include new construction and upgrades to the city's water and wastewater systems, street and storm sewer infrastructure and traffic control systems. We work closely with other local state governmental entities and planning agencies to coordinate projects.

We also address traffic calming, right of way issues, and street lighting requests. The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for traffic signal engineering, construction and operations, traffic signal timing & coordination, as well as the design of contractor installed traffic control signs and pavement markings.

Projects Map

Wonder what projects are coming up next? Want to request a project? Get started by exploring In the Works | A Map of Public Works Construction Projects!

View Map

Right-of-Way Permits & Procedures

Do you need to apply for a permit? Visit Public Works' Permit page to get started.

Have questions about the Right-of-Way? View or download the Right-of-Way Manual for permitting and construction.

Traffic Calming Petition

Traffic calming is an integrated approach to traffic planning that seeks to create a more livable urban environment by reducing the undesirable impacts that traffic can have on neighborhoods. Traffic calming policies have been developed to preserve an environment where people can live and work without being threatened by traffic related problems.

The most common traffic problems on local streets and residential collectors are associated with excessive speed, cut-through traffic, and inadequate options for pedestrians.

If your neighborhood is experiencing traffic issues, Public Works' Engineering team is ready to help! To get started, download and complete the Traffic Calming Petition(PDF, 300KB).

Sidewalk & Curb Rehabilitation Cost-Share Program

Want to repair the curb or sidewalk in front of your home but need some help? Look no further! Public Works' Sidewalk & Curb Rehabilitation Incentive program is here to help!

Who is Eligible?

Anyone living in Kansas City, Kansas can apply. The property where work is performed must not be tax delinquent.

When can I apply?

You can apply for assistance at any time. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis until yearly funding is all used up.

How much can I be reimbursed through this program?

The Unified Government will pay a qualified contractor approximately 50% of the average cost for sidewalk and/or curb replacement for permitted and inspected work. The property owner or resident is responsible for the remaining amount.

Do I have to use a contractor?

Yes. All curb repair and/or replacement must be performed by a Unified Government licensed contractor.

Ready to get started?

Download the Sidewalk & Curb Rehabilitation Incentive Program policy & application

ADA Curb Ramp Program

The ADA Curb Ramp Program is dedicated to providing safe and accessible travel routes for people of varying abilities in the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS. The Public Works Department constructs new curb ramps and upgrades existing ones each year to make sidewalks and streets more accessible and to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Requesting Installation or Upgrade of a Curb Ramp

To request the installation or upgrade of a curb ramp in a particular area, fill out and submit the Curb Ramp Request Form(DOC, 175KB) to the Unified Government Department of Public Works:

  • Call (913) 573-5700
  • Fax to (913) 573-5727
  • Email
  • Mail to 701 N 7th St, Suite 712, Kansas City, KS, 66101

Priority will be given to locations that complete an accessible route for specific individuals in need or that provide improved access to government offices and facilities, transportation, places of public accommodation, or employers. However, the implementation of requests depends on project funding and feasibility. Other factors being equal, requests are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis. Construction of or upgrades to curb ramps may be scheduled in conjunction with other street or sidewalk improvement projects. Please note that curb ramps are not guaranteed to be constructed or upgraded at any location.

The curb ramp request program is part of the Public Works Department’s Outreach and Participation program (see Public Outreach Plan(PDF, 234KB)). To learn more about ADA-related information and other services, you can also access the UG's Department of Human Services.