Land Records & Property Inquiries

Have a question about your property (or any property)? Inquire about:

  • Property ownership/address (view a property map on our online web mapper DotMaps - sorry, no ownership info available)
  • Tax roll land property descriptions (find it online with real estate search)
  • Lot dimensions and property acreage (approximations only) (find it online with real estate search)
  • Information about Rights-of-Way
  • Referrals: if we cannot answer your specific question
  • Request to Combine Parcels: If you want to request that multiple parcels be combined into one property record for tax billing/valuation purposes, use form (download at link below) and follow the form instructions.

Download Request to Combine Parcels Form

For more information call our general office number (913) 573-2941 and select menu option # 2 and someone will assist you. You may also contact us at