Are you interested in hosting guests with Airbnb, VRBO, or similar service? These activities are a commercial use and require a Special Use Permit in the Unified Government. Current hosts should apply immediately. For more information, check out our new adopted short term rental ordinance as well as our presentation explaining the new short term rental ordinance:
The Unified Government Short-Term Rental application is located below. Prior to applying for a short-term rental permit, you MUST first schedule a pre-application meeting with a member of Planning + Urban Design staff to determine the appropriate level of review. To schedule a pre-application meeting with a member of Planning + Urban Design Staff, please reach out to or call our office at (913) 573-5750.
Check out the application(PDF, 1MB) and do not hesitate to give us a call with any questions. In addition to the signed and notarized application, you will need to submit a fee, affidavit of ownership, title report, and pictures.
Within five (5) business days of submission, a member of the Planning & Urban Design staff will review the application for completeness. If it is determined your application is incomplete, the department will provide in writing an explanation. If you do not receive any feedback within the five business days, the application will be considered complete.
A neighborhood meeting is required for certain development applications to be conducted fourteen (14) days prior to the City Planning Commission meeting. When optional, applicants are encouraged by the Unified Government to meet with property owners who will be affected by the proposed changes.
Neighborhood meetings are required to be conducted fourteen (14) days prior to the City Planning Commission meeting for special use permits. The Planning & Urban Design Department can provide you with a sample letter to send out in advance of the meeting; an affidavit to be signed to confirm that the meeting was held; list of people to be notified within 200' of the property; list of possible meeting locations; and sample minutes to follow when taking minutes at the meeting.
You must identify a location within Kansas City, KS and in close proximity to the proposed project. Opt for a public meeting place and hold the meeting in late afternoon/early afternoon to make it easier for neighbors to attend. Use this sample letter to write your letter to notice neighbors and make sure you mail the notices ten (10) days prior to the meeting date.
Provide a sign-in sheet and, if no one shows up at the start, please be sure to wait at least 30 minutes before leaving. Your presentation to neighbors should include accurate details/photos/plans for review, a question and answer period to address any concerns, detail who will be involved (clients, customers, etc.) and provide detailed information about operational activities.
The following shall be sent to the Planning & Urban Design Department via email, fax or United States Postal Service or delivered in-person two (2) days after your meeting and twelve (12) days before the City Planning Commission meeting: sign-in sheet; minutes from meeting; affidavit confirming that the neighborhood meeting was conducted.
We will provide you with a zoning sign which is important to the notification process about the upcoming public hearing. The following criteria will help you with placing the sign at your property:
There may be a charge for some of these locations. There are also a variety of hotels throughout the city that can be contacted for room arrangements. Here's a list of possible venues for hosting your neighborhood meeting:
Special Use Permit for Short-Term Rental Application(PDF, 1MB)
Notice for Short-Term Rental Operators
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