Land Development in Wyandotte County requires the coordination of the development community, neighborhoods, and Unified Government Staff. The UG requires development applications to go through a detailed development review process. Staff will administer and coordinate the development standards of the city and county. This provides direction based on applicable policies, plans, design, guidelines, codes and professional standards and principles.
A land entitlement is the approval to utilize the land for a different use than it is currently utilized, while a building permit is the approval for the physical construction and/or renovation of a structure or land. For building permits, please visit the Building Inspection page.
**NOTE: Before beginning a land entitlement application, you must first schedule a pre-application meeting with a member of Planning + Urban Design Staff. To set up a meeting, please email or call (913) 573-5750 to set up a meeting. Please include your name, phone number, email address, and contact information for any representative or other interested parties, as well as a brief description of your proposed project. **
Design Guidelines
The Unified Government has developed design standards for certain areas or certain development types. These design guidelines are intended to provide definitions and descriptions of acceptable design elements in specified areas of both the county and the city. These guidelines are established to relate development to the surrounding neighborhood context, provide direction for the creation of quality development with respect to site planning, architectural design, and landscaping, ensure quality design that reflects a community’s identity and sense of place, support property values in new development and redevelopment, and Implement the long-range vision of the comprehensive plan, relevant area plan, or other plans
- Multi-Family Design Guidelines(PDF, 129KB)
- Mixed-Use Design Guidelines(PDF, 125KB)
- Commercial Design Guidelines(PDF, 168KB)
- Rosedale Business Park + Mixed-Use Design Guidelines(PDF, 328KB)
- Rosedale Residential and Commercial Design Guidelines 2016(PDF, 2MB)
- Narrow Lot Design Guidelines(PDF, 6MB)
The Narrow Lot Design Guidelines review is performed to accommodate a variety of development types on existing, non-conforming lots and ensure that development in older neighborhoods, traditionally east of Interstate 635 and, developed before World War II, maintain the character and vision of these existing communities through the application of traditional architectural and modern landscaping standards.
Change of Zone, Master Plan Amendments, and Development Plans
Change of Zone: It may be necessary or advisable from time to time to amend the designated zoning district of a particular property, either to match the use of the property to the zoning district or to better accommodate a proposed development. For most single lots, a conventional rezoning will suffice; For developments on multiple lots, or most non-residential lots, a Planned District shall be used, which will require a Preliminary/Final Plan Review, for the purpose of providing design flexibility not available through standard procedures.
Preliminary and/or Final Plan Review: A development plan may be required as part of another application or approval process to ensure that the proposed development conforms to Unified Government regulations and incorporates a compatible arrangement of buildings, parking, lighting, signage, landscaping, circulation, drainage, open spaces, and the other elements of a site development.
Found below is the Unified Government’s Development Application, fee schedule, minimum submission requirements, online submittal instructions, and the deadlines calendar.
Special Use Permits and Short-Term Rentals
Special Use Permit: The Special Use Permit process reviews uses and situations with characteristics that may not blend or harmonize with the uses in the standard zoning districts. The intent is to ensure the use not injure neighboring property or the welfare of the community. This includes uses such as Short-Term Rentals, Drinking Establishments, Auto-Repair Shops, Used Car Dealerships, as well as certain home occupations. For a comprehensive list, refer to Section 27-593 of the Unified Government Code of Ordinances, found here. Those applying for a Special Use Permit must fill out our Development Application, located below.
Short-Term Rental: Short-Term Rentals are considered a commercial use within the Unified Government and require review by staff, either administratively, or through a Special Use Permit. Current hosts should apply immediately. Those applying for a Short-Term Rental must fill out or Short-Term Rental Application, located below.
Found below is the Unified Government’s Development and Short-Term Rental Applications, Short-Term Rental Ordinance, fee schedule, minimum submission requirements, online submittal instructions, and the deadlines calendar.
Protest Petition for Change of Zones or Special Use Permits
Protest petitions can only be submitted for either Change of Zone or Special Use Permit. They can only be submitted after a City Planning Commission action has been taken and before the following Board of Commissioner hearing date (approximately). If determined to be valid by Planning and Urban Design staff, a protest petition from the public requires a super majority of votes (9) of the Board of Commissioners to pass.
Download the Protest Petition(PDF, 2MB)
Before you download and print the protest petition materials, please contact the Department of Planning and Urban Design for further instructions either at (913) 573-5758 or
Completed protest petition’s must be submitted by mail or in person to the City Clerk’s office (701 North 7th Street, Suite 323 Kansas City, Kansas 66101) no later than 14 days after the City Planning Commission action at 5:00PM.
Variances and Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals process reviews any case, where a variance from the zoning code is being sought and that will not be contrary to the public interest, as well as any appeals of a decision made by the director of Planning + Urban Design.
Variances can not be obtained for any uses not permitted by the zoning code in such district, residential development that will result in an increase in density greater than permitted in the applicable zoning district, or changes or modifications to any definition within the Unified Government Code of Ordinances.
Found below is the Unified Government’s Zoning Variance application, minimum submission requirements, fee schedule, online submittal instructions, and the deadlines calendar.
Subdivisions: Plats, Lot Splits, and Vacations
Plats and Lot-Splits: The Subdivision process is to provide for the orderly and efficient development of land by ensuring that development is safe, considers the natural terrain, is designed to provide safe and efficient access, assurance of adequate open space, and that adequate sites are provided for amenities. For our full subdivision regulations, please refer to Chapter 27, Article 8 of the Unified Government Code of Ordinances, linked here.
Vacations: The vacation process is for the vacation of any street, alleyway, easement, or other public right-of-way. Vacations are approved by Staff, the City Planning Commission, and the Board of Commissioners.
Found below is the Unified Government’s Subdivision Application, fee schedule, minimum submission requirements, online submittal instructions, and the deadlines calendar.
Historic Landmarks Review
Historic Landmarks Review: A historic landmarks review performed by our Historic Preservationist, anytime there are any alterations to a historic landmark, a property within a historic district, or a property that is within the environs of a historic district and/or landmark, as well as any time a property is nominated for listing on the local, state, or federal register of historic places.
For more information regarding Historic Preservation, please visit our Historic Preservation page.
Found below is our historic landmarks review application, landmarks commission deadlines calendar, minimum submission requirements, fee schedule, and file naming standards.
Additional Links
Contact Us
To set up a pre-application meeting, or for assistance with completing an application, reach out to us by phone or email.
(913) 573-5750