
Environmental Impact Studies

Access to Aerial Photography for Environmental Impact Studies
Our staff will assist you by locating historical and current aerial photography coverage of your study site. This service is available by appointment. Please call our office at (913) 573-2941 to make a reservation.

Self Service Options
Alternatively, you may also view recent vintage years of aerial imagery online using our interactive web mapping service DotMaps.

Additionally, digital aerial orthoimagery is now available for free download for photo years: 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2001, and 1997.

Custom GIS Mapping

Our skilled GIS staff can prepare GIS maps and perform analysis to meet custom requirements. To find out more email or call us at (913) 573-2941.

Charges are: $50.00/hour programming fee; there is a materials fee of $4.50/sq.ft. for color plotter paper used.

Please be prepared to give us information about data you are interested in (example: vacant land parcels over 20 acres in area); a geographic area of interest (in Wyandotte County only); and the map page size and scale desired.

DotMaps Interactive Mapper

DotMaps lets you interactively view web maps of Wyandotte County and see property lines, streets, aerial imagery, and political districts. There is no charge for this public service. Visit DotMaps and get started now by using the Interactive Web Mapper.

Land Records & Property Inquiries

Have a question about your property (or any property)? Inquire about:

  • Property ownership/address (view a property map on our online web mapper DotMaps - sorry, no ownership info available)
  • Tax roll land property descriptions (find it online with real estate search)
  • Lot dimensions and property acreage (approximations only) (find it online with real estate search)
  • Information about Rights-of-Way
  • Referrals: if we cannot answer your specific question
  • Request to Combine Parcels: If you want to request that multiple parcels be combined into one property record for tax billing/valuation purposes, use form (download at link below) and follow the form instructions.

Combine Parcels

Download Request to Combine Parcels Form

For more information call our general office number (913) 573-2941 and select menu option # 2 and someone will assist you.