Has your Trash or Recycling pick-up been late? Is it your regular day and the cans are still full at the curb?
Please tell us about it! The more we understand where and when problems happen, the quicker we can take action to fix it.
Do you have photos to share, or are there multiple streets you'd like to report? Gather all of your information together and get ready to submit it.
Were your neighbors missed too? It's okay to report more than one address. In fact, you can report your entire neighborhood if needed.
Put your trash and recycling out by 7 AM.
Don’t report a missed collection to Waste Management. Always report services issues to 3-1-1. Reporting to 3-1-1 allows Public Works’ Solid Waste Team to directly follow up with Waste Management to get your items off the ground.
If your trash was not picked up - don't take it back in! Leave your missed items at the curb or street edge until they’re collected. Bringing your missed trash or recycling back into your garage or placing it on the side of your house can result in it being missed again.
Sometimes recovering your missed items can take a day or two. Put your trash and recycling in containers to keep it from spilling out and blowing all over your neighborhood. If your items still haven't been recovered after a day or two, report it again!
Sometimes trash and recycling are missed because crews are working hard to pick up bulky items. Bulky item collection slows everything down, so avoid putting bulky items out whenever possible. The faster drivers can collect trash and recycling at your neighbor’s house, the faster they can get to yours!
Please be patient. We know missed trash and recycling collection is frustrating, and Public Works' Solid Waste team is committed to working with Waste Management on ways to keep these misses from happening.
Be ready to provide your name, address, and contact information - you'll be asked these things when you call
If you're in Bonner Springs, call (913) 631-3300 to report trash or recycling service issues. If your issues continue, contact the the Bonner Springs City Clerk's Office at (913) 667-1716.
Simply dial 3-1-1 from anywhere in WYCO. If you're outside of WYCO at the moment, dial (913) 573-5311
Get more information about things like trash collection holidays, hazardous waste disposal, and Dumpster Days! Go to Page
Not sure what day your trash and recycling are picked up? That's okay! Click the button and find out! Trash Day Map
Dispose of recycling, yard waste, and storm debris for free! Learn More
Dispose of hazardous items like motor oil, tires, and paint for free! Learn More
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This form is not for service requests or department assistance. Please do not include sensitive information. For immediate help, dial 3-1-1 or contact a department directly.