Social Media

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Social media is one of the many outlets that we use for updates to the community. Please note: we do not monitor our social media accounts around the clock so if you have an urgent request, we recommend you reach out to 3-1-1 for more information. 


Step 1.Give us a Follow

Find us on Facebook for updates on programs and services, live events with key departments throughout the year, and a calendar of upcoming activities. We are unable to monitor Facebook around the clock so we encourage you to reach out to 3-1-1 with any service requests or questions. Otherwise, check out and follow any of our Facebook pages today!

Unified Government Facebook

Step 2.Join a Group

We have a couple of groups within our Facebook page that you can also join. We've created groups for community members interested in working with the Unified Government or our partners on key projects across the county as well as a resource for our seniors and their caregivers, including:

Step 3.Follow Our Departments

Several departments also manage their own Facebook pages for more specific updates:


Department Accounts

Interested in knowing more about some of our specific services and programs? You can also find several departments on Twitter as well, including:


It's pretty basic right now but with time we look forward to growing our Instagram following. Please give us a follow as we hope to share the many great things happening across Wyandotte County. This channel is focused more about sharing the story of what it is like to live and work in this unique county. 



Nextdoor is a social networking site for neighborhoods and the Unified Government currently provides updates and announcements. You can follow us here to ensure you don't miss anything! 



Not only is our LinkedIn page a great resource for Unified Government staff but for the general public as well. We provide updates here on various business and networking opportunities across the county as well as announcements and staff updates. 
