Golf Advisory Board

the official Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS Logo


To advise the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS (UG) as to the efficient operation and maintenance of Sunflower Hills Golf Course and any future golf courses owned, operated, and/or managed by the UG.


In order to effectuate those purposes as enumerated in sections 25-24, the Gold Advisory Board shall have the following duties:

  • The review of the current and future operation and maintenance of Sunflower Hills Golf Course and the advisability of building, constructing, maintaining, and/or operating any other golf courses within the territorial limits of Wyandotte County, except for those areas within the incorporated cities of Edwardsville and Bonner Springs, KS.

  • The consideration of concepts for the continued and future development of Sunflower Hills Golf Course and any other gold course(s) which may be constructed, maintained, owned, or operated by the UG.

  • A continuing review of the financial aspects of the operation of Sunflower Hills Golf Course and any other gold course(s) which may be constructed, maintained, owned, or operated by the UG.

  • The continuing review of the services of personnel employed for the purposes of the operation and maintenance of Sunflower Hills Golf Course and any other gold course(s) which may be constructed, maintained, owned, or operated by the UG.

  • The review of plans for new services or expansion of existing services and recommendations thereon.

  • Advise the UG and the City Council of Bonner Springs, KS, on any items affecting the operation and maintenance of Sunflower Hills Golf Course.

  • Recommend to the various governmental bodies mentioned in paragraph (6) such measures as the Golf Advisory Board feels necessary to carry out its objectives.

Meeting Notice

The Golf Advisory Board meets quarterly.