Planning Engineering Information
This information is provided to assist Applicants. Check with staff to ensure information is up to date and applicable to your situation. Resubmittals with significant changes or multiple plan reviews are subjected to additional plan review fees. Multiple plan review is defined at the 3rd review for a project. DRC 3rd review is charged 25% of the original plan review fee. Fee must be paid in full before comments are released. When you are charged a re-review fee an invoice will be emailed to the applicant.
Reference the Plan Intake Checklist(PDF, 102KB) for all Final Plan Review submittals for the Planning Commission and all Development Review Committee (DRC) submittals as it applies to your scope of work. Civil and architectural plans are required to be signed and sealed by a Kansas licensed architect or engineer.
- Resubmittal for a Planning Commission project require 1 complete set with revisions bubbled and called out. Include a detailed transmittal letter specifying how staff comments were addressed.
- Review the Electronic Development Review (EDR) process(DOCX, 104KB) for a DRC permit submittal. Revisions shall be bubbled and called out. Include a detailed transmittal letter specifying how staff comments were addressed.
- All plan submittals are emailed to the DRC Coordinator: located at 4953 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102.
Design Criteria, Guidance and Checklists:
- General
- Erosion Control
- Retaining Wall
- Sanitary Sewer
- Storm Drainage
- Stormwater Quality
- Street
- Public Works Technical Provisions
For additional information, contact:
Planning Engineering
701 N 7th Street, Suite 423
Kansas City, KS 66101
P: (913) 573-5750
DRC Coordinator
4953 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66102
P: (913) 573-8664