Updated UG Land Bank Policy Being Considered

Published on March 25, 2024

LAnd Bank New Construction 2022.PNG

Establishes new uses and considerations for more than 4,000 government-owned properties

Proposed changes to the Unified Government's Land Bank policy were presented March 4 to the Economic Development and Neighborhood and Community Development standing committees by the UG Land Bank manager, Jud Knapp.

The proposal comes after 16 months of direct community engagement with more than 318 community members across multiple bilingual events, as well as collaboration with multiple Unified Government departments, elected officials, and other stakeholders.

With a total of 4,297 land bank parcels available throughout Wyandotte County, the proposal seeks to address community concerns to decrease the number of vacant land bank parcels owned by the Unified Government and increase the tax base.

“This proposed policy amendment clearly states our goal to not be in the Land Bank business,” said Gunnar Hand, Director of Planning and Urban Design. “It provides the flexibility necessary to accelerate these properties going into private hands while optimizing more equitable outcomes.”

New Land Bank Proposal Highlights

Proposed policy changes include allowing yard extensions for butting property owners. The proposal also incorporates the community’s interest in land bank parcels being used for personal and community gardens, as well as urban farms for growing sustainable food in Wyandotte County.

“After a transformative 16-month journey filled with community engagement and dedicated subcommittee efforts, we are thrilled to unveil an inspiring new land bank policy proposal,” said 8th District Commissioner Andrew Davis. “Immense gratitude goes to the tireless UG staff and the Land Bank policy review subcommittee for their unwavering commitment. Join us on Monday, April 1st at 5 p.m. at the Neighborhood and Community Development Standing Committee for the next chapter in this journey. The collective insights and thoughts of the public are invaluable as we collectively enhance and fortify our Land Bank process.”

To review the complete Wyandotte County Lank Bank administrative proposal: Draft Land Bank Policy Update

Land Bank Proposed Presentation:3/4/2024 Neighborhood & Community Development Standing Committee Meeting

For more information about the Wyandotte County Land Bank: Land Bank – Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City (wycokck.org)