Be a Force of Nature: Be Prepared

Published on March 04, 2024

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The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas (UG) is encouraging everyone to get prepared as this week spotlights severe weather preparedness week. Be a Force of Nature by knowing your risk, taking action, and being an example of where you live. The UG is committed to being a leader for emergency preparedness.

During the week of March 4-8, community members are encouraged to create an action plan in the event of a severe weather event and learn more about the risks of springtime severe weather. Follow us on Facebook for additional tips and tricks throughout the week.

Taking preparedness actions can save lives and protect property anywhere - at home, in schools, in your neighborhood, and in the workplace. In 2023, there were many weather and climate disaster events each with losses exceeding $1 billion. Nationally, these events included 1 drought event, 4 flooding events, 19 severe storm events, 2 tropical cyclone events, 1 wildfire event, and 1 winter storm event. Overall, these resulted in the deaths of several individuals and had significant economic effects.

“Being prepared is key to a good response,” said UG Director of Emergency Management Matthew May. “Severe weather can sneak up on us but having multiple sources of information, for instance, such as outdoor warning sirens, NOAA Weather Radio, apps on our phones like the Red Cross’s Emergency: Severe Weather App, broadcast TV and Radio meteorologists can all provide a piece to the puzzle. The more pieces you have the better the picture will be. A well-defined plan will result in good preparedness and great actions.”

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Kansas Statewide Tornado Drill – March 6th

In coordination with the National Weather Service in Topeka, residents in the state of Kansas can expect to hear a statewide severe weather tornado drill on Wednesday, March 6 at 11AM CST. Residents are encouraged to treat this drill as an actual tornado warning and practice seeking secure, safe shelter from a tornado.

Get Involved: Community Emergency Response Team Training (CERT)

Community members are invited to attend the upcoming FREE CERT training March 22–March 24 at the Municipal Building (701 N. 7th Street, KCK, KS 66101). The CERT training educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may occur what they live, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster medical operations and preparation.

Register here.


To learn more about the role of the Emergency Management Department and how to prepare for severe weather, please visit: Get Prepared - 2024 Severe Weather Preparedness Week – Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City (