Zoning Enforcement


The Zoning Enforcement Division of the Department of Planning and Urban Design focuses on improving the quality of life for citizens as well as beautifying the City’s streets, business corridors, and neighborhoods through effective enforcement and management of the city’s zoning ordinances and to ensure due process for each citizen of Kansas City, Kansas.

Zoning enforcement focuses on violations of the zoning code, such as non-compliant land uses, unpermitted uses, such as short-term rentals or signage, keeping of unpermitted animals, and other non-compliant uses. For property maintenance complaints regarding trash, weeds, vehicles, property maintenance, or other general repair violations, please visit the Code Enforcement page for more information.

Zoning Enforcement Process

If you have a violation, you will receive a letter detailing the zoning violations found on your property. Make sure to read the entire letter because it will contain important information such as:

  • The case number (This is helpful when looking up your case online);
  • Date of inspection (This is the day your property was inspected);
  • Details of the violation/s (The letter will outline the violations they found on your property);
  • Re-Inspection date (This is the date the zoning enforcement office will return to make sure the violation has been corrected or if it is being resolved); and,
  • Zoning enforcement officer’s phone number and email address (Keep track of your officers' contact info and call them as soon as possible for any needed clarification).

When you first receive your letter or notice of a violation, it is best to let your inspector know of any circumstances that would make it difficult for you to bring your property up to code.

Can I have an extension to correct the violation?

  • Extensions may be granted in some circumstances, but keep in mind, early and often communication with your inspector is the first step.
  • Contact your inspector as soon as possible if you are having trouble fixing the violation in time for your next inspection date. Contact info is in the letter you received. You can always call the Planning and Urban Design main office number at (913) 573-5750 for help.

What can I do to be proactive?

  • Staying in contact with your zoning enforcement officer. Inspectors are there to work with you and answer any questions you may have.
  • If you reach out, make sure to leave a message with the best way to reach you. Our inspectors are usually out in the field so, please allow at least 48 hours for us to contact you back. Always include your violation number and/or address of the violation in your message.
  • Ask for help if you need it. Waiting too long to ask for help can make the situation overwhelming and more difficult.

How do I contest a Zoning Enforcement Violation?

  • If it is an Administrative Citation contact the staff at the Neighborhood Resource Center to request an appeal with the Administrative Hearing Officer.
  • If you have received a citation or summons to Municipal Court, you may attend court and your case will be heard by a Municipal Court Judge.

Zoning Enforcement Placards

Below are the two (2) types zoning enforcement placards our officers will place on a property. If you do not see the placard that has been placed on your property, chances are you have received a code enforcement violation, rather than a zoning enforcement violation. Please refer to the Code Enforcement page for more information regarding code enforcement violations. 

Purple Sticker

  • Purple Stickers indicate an Administrative Citation which is distributed when a re-inspection is performed and all or some of the violations originally cited have not been corrected.
  • The Administrative Citation includes a fine for not correcting the violation.
  • The sticker will include the date of the next re-inspection. If, upon re-inspection, the violation is not corrected accordingly, an additional fine will be applied.
  • A court summons in addition to the assessed fine may still be issued.
  • The fine for zoning violations can be $100 - $1500. These fines can increase with each progressive administrative citation.

Administrative Citation Sticker

Green Door Hanger

  • Green stickers indicate a Short-Term Rental Violation which is distributed when a property is identified to be operating as a short-term rental without a Special Use Permit or proper business licensing.
  • Please contact the Unified Government of Wyandotte County Zoning Enforcement Division within 48 hours of this notice. Failure to do so will result in a daily fine of up to $1500.00.
  • Failure to abide may result in further zoning enforcement actions, including an Administrative Citation.

Short-Term Rental Notice

Common Zoning Violations

Below is a list of common zoning violations within the Unified Government Code of Ordinances Chapter 27. If you do not see a violation listed below, refer to the Unified Government Code of Ordinances to check if a suspected violation is indeed a violation of the zoning code.

  • Operating a Short-Term Rental without a Special Use Permit or proper business licensing;
  • Installing or maintaining non-conforming building and/or property signage;
  • Improper maintenance of building and/or property signage;
  • Operating a business in a zone the prohibits such use;
  • Operating a non-compliant home based business or operating in a manner outside of established conditions of operation/approval;
  • Keeping of farm or otherwise uncompliant animals without proper permitting or outside of designated zones;
  • Commercial or industrial development occurring without proper review and/or permitting;
  • Construction or keeping of non-compliant accessory structures;
  • Keeping or parking of overweight vehicles on a property;
  • Keeping of non-compliant, including non-registered vehicles on a property; and,
  • Other Non-compliant land uses.

How to report a suspected violation


  1. Gather Information
    • Before you report, it is best to have the following ready:
      • The specific address of the violation
      • A detailed description of the issue
      • A picture of the issue
  2. Check Eligibility
    • The Zoning Enforcement Division responds to codes regarding:
      • Illegal Operation of Short-Term Rental;
      • Installing or maintaining non-conforming building and/or property signage;
      • Improper maintenance of building and/or property signage;
      • Operating a business in a zone the prohibits such business;
      • Operating a non-compliant home based business or operating in a manner outside of established conditions of operation/approval;
      • Keeping of farm or otherwise uncompliant animals without proper permitting or outside of designated zones;
      • Commercial or Industrial Development occurring without proper review and/or permitting;
      • Construction or keeping of non-compliant accessory structures;
      • Keeping or parking of overweight vehicles on a property;
      • Keeping of non-compliant, including non-registered vehicles on a property; and,
      • Other Non-compliant land uses;
  3. Report the issue
    Download the myWyco mobile app or report online. The link below will open the myWyco website. Select 311 Requests and Reports and follow the prompts to be directed to reporting a Property Maintenance issue.
    Report it Online
  4. We'll respond to your report
    • Our goal is to respond to reports within five (5) days by determining if there is a violation at the address provided. If there is a violation, the property owner will be notified via mail as well as a placard with details of their violation.
    • Please note, that while you may report a suspected violation, an official notice of violation will not be created until a zoning enforcement officer has visited the site to investigate the report.

Call-In or Email

  1. Gather Information
    • Before you report, it is best to have the following ready:
      • The specific address of the violation
      • A detailed description of the issue
      • A picture of the issue
  2. Check Eligibility
    • The Zoning Enforcement Division responds to codes regarding:
      • Illegal Operation of Short-Term Rental;
      • Installing or maintaining non-conforming building and/or property signage;
      • Improper maintenance of building and/or property signage;
      • Operating a business in a zone the prohibits such business;
      • Operating a non-compliant home based business or operating in a manner outside of established conditions of operation/approval;
      • Keeping of farm or otherwise uncompliant animals without proper permitting or outside of designated zones;
      • Commercial or Industrial Development occurring without proper review and/or permitting;
      • Construction or keeping of non-compliant accessory structures;
      • Keeping or parking of overweight vehicles on a property;
      • Keeping of non-compliant, including non-registered vehicles on a property; and,
      • Other Non-compliant land uses;
  3. Report the issue
  4. We'll respond to your report
    • Our goal is to respond to reports within five (5) days by determining if there is a violation at the address provided. If there is a violation, the property owner will be notified via mail as well as a placard with details of their violation.

    • Please note, that while you may report a suspected violation, an official notice of violation will not be created until a zoning enforcement officer has visited the site to investigate the report.


  1. Check Eligibility
    • The Zoning Enforcement Division responds to codes regarding:
      • Illegal Operation of Short-Term Rental;
      • Installing or maintaining non-conforming building and/or property signage;
      • Improper maintenance of building and/or property signage;
      • Operating a business in a zone the prohibits such business;
      • Operating a non-compliant home based business or operating in a manner outside of established conditions of operation/approval;
      • Keeping of farm or otherwise uncompliant animals without proper permitting or outside of designated zones;
      • Commercial or Industrial Development occurring without proper review and/or permitting;
      • Construction or keeping of non-compliant accessory structures;
      • Keeping or parking of overweight vehicles on a property;
      • Keeping of non-compliant, including non-registered vehicles on a property; and,
      • Other Non-compliant land uses;
  2. Come by our office
  • If your issue is regarding a problem listed above, come by the Municipal Office Building (City Hall) at 701 North 7th Street, Suite 421.
  • Our lobby is open 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Monday - Friday
  • You will need to provide the address of the violation, a detailed description of the violation, and a photos of the violation if possible.

3. We'll respond to your report

  • Our goal is to respond to reports within five (5) days by determining if there is a violation at the address provided. If there is a violation, the property owner will be notified via mail as well as a placard with details of their violation.
  • Please note, that while you may report a suspected violation, an official notice of violation will not be created until a zoning enforcement officer has visited the site to investigate the report.