Agendas & Minutes, Meeting Schedules & Deadlines

Board of Zoning Appeals

Attention: Board of Zoning Appeals/City Planning Commission Public Hearing Procedures for September 9, 2024 Meeting

Note: Due to website error, please contact for a copy of the September 9, 2024 BOZA and CPC agenda and/or staff report.

A (6) member, nonpartisan, volunteer body established by Sec. 27-46 of the Code of Ordinances. This Board hears and reviews requests for variances, appeals, and exceptions from the city zoning ordinances:

  • Variance: Request to make some type of change to the property that deviates from the normal requirements of the city’s zoning regulations such as side yard setback, building height, number of parking spaces, etc.

  • Appeal: Request to have the Board modify an interpretation of zoning requirements made by the Director of Planning.

Zoning is the basic means of land use control utilized by local governments in the United States. It divides the community into districts or zones and establishes different regulations governing the use, placement, spacing, and size of land and building. The powers and duties are derived largely from the State of Kansas, K.S.A. 12-759-12-760.


  • Jeff Carson: Chairman
  • Karen Jones: Vice Chairman
  • Brandie Armstrong
  • Duane Beth
  • Beverly Easterwood
  • Jim Ernst
  • Jake Miller
  • Mark Mohler
  • Mary Beth Schwartz
  • Joseph Straws
  • Aaron Ward

City Planning Commission

This role is different from the planning department, for it oversees and reviews the planning process.

It is made up of professionally trained staff dealing with technical and administrative aspects, represents the public’s viewpoint on planning proposals, and guides the future development of the UG. The Commission is established by Sec. 27-26 of the Code of Ordinances.

It consists of (11) members (same as above) who are residents of Wyandotte County that the UG Board of Commissioners appoints. The Board’s responsibilities are to:

  • Administer the zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations, including recommending changes to the ordinances and the zoning district boundaries.
  • Develop and approve the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Review the Capital Improvements Program

When the Board of Commissioners reviews an application previously approved by the Planning Commission, it may approve, disapprove, or modify an approval by the Planning Commission. The provisions of any modification by the Board of Commissioners are outlined in the Unified Government’s own Resolution.

The powers and duties are largely derived from the State of Kansas K.S.A.12-744 through 12-757. This Commission shall meet on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Commission Chambers located in City Hall.


  • Jeff Carson: Chairman
  • Karen Jones: Vice Chairman
  • Brandie Armstrong
  • Duane Beth
  • Beverly Easterwood
  • Jim Ernst
  • Jake Miller
  • Mark Mohler
  • Mary Beth Schwartz
  • Joseph Straws
  • Aaron Ward

City Landmarks Commission

Responsible for overseeing the preservation of the county’s heritage by recommending the designation of historic sites and districts.

Established by Sec. 27-100 et.seq and consists of (11) members, which the UG Board of Commission appoints. The members of the Commission shall be residents of Wyandotte County and shall be persons who have demonstrated special interest, knowledge, or experience in fields related to Historic Preservation.


  • Survey and inventory historic landmarks and historic districts.
  • Recommend the official designation of historic landmarks and historic districts.
  • Review and approve all requests for building and zoning permits affecting the exterior of a designated landmark.
  • Encourage historic preservation in Kansas City, KS generally.
  • See the City Landmarks Commissioner Roles & Responsibilities Memo(PDF, 96KB) for full details.

If you are interested in becoming a Landmarks Commissioner, please email and include “City Landmarks Commissioner Application” in the subject line.


  • David Meditz: Chairman
  • Karen French: Vice Chairman
  • John Altevogt
  • Murrel Bland
  • Hank Chamberlain
  • Stephen Craddock
  • Beverly Easterwood
  • Micki Welcome-Hill
  • Jim Schraeder
  • Loren Taylor (Col.)
  • Charles Van Middlesworth

Historic Preservation

Construction within Historic District or Historic Landmark

Any new construction or exterior renovations to properties within a Historic District or Historic Landmark, or within a buffer zone (environs) of either or both, is required to obtain approval from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) before the issuance of any residential or commercial building permits. Planning staff will make a review submittal to SHPO on behalf of the building permit applicant. There is a review time of up to (30) business days with SHPO in addition to the technical review time of construction drawings with the UG.

Sign Permit Applications within a Historic District of Historic Landmark requires approval with Planning staff prior to the issuance of a sign permit. Allow (5)-(7) business days for Planning staff review time.