Public Works

A photograph of Public Works Street cleaners parked in front of Sporting KC.Public Works is responsible for the management, maintenance, and enhancement of critical infrastructure in Kansas City, Kansas & Wyandotte County. With more than 200 team members spanning six divisions, the Department provides many of the vital services residents, businesses, and visitors depend on.

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Infrastructure Subcommittee Outcomes & Strategies

Kansas City, KS, is at an infrastructure crossroads. Like many cities across the United States, once robust infrastructure systems are reaching the end of their useful life across multiple interdependent asset categories like streets, bridges, facilities, recreation, and stormwater. Physical infrastructure is the foundation of modern life, and now that this infrastructure has served generations over the past 50 to 100 years, it must be rebuilt or replaced.

The cost of performing this work is as monumental as the challenge itself, but with a disciplined, systematic, and strategic commitment, achieving the outcomes residents, businesses, and visitors desire is possible. To identify these outcomes and the strategies needed to make them possible, the Unified Government’s Governing Body established three infrastructure subcommittees, each chaired and membered by Commissioners: one Streets, Bridges & Streetlights, two Parks, Recreation & Facilities, and three Stormwater & Wastewater. Between June 24, 2021, and April 3, 2022, the subcommittees met 26 times, and members participated in three opportunities for a city-wide infrastructure tour to see and discuss the challenges Kansas City, Kansas, faces.

The Infrastructure Outcomes & Strategies document is the culmination of the Commissioners’ work. It contains the outcomes and strategies needed to overcome the city’s challenge and make Kansas City, Kansas, a sustainable community of choice, free from the threats and burdens of failing and unnecessary infrastructure.

Read Infrastructure Outcomes & Strategies

Projects Map

Wonder what projects are coming up next? Want to request a project? Get started by exploring the Capital Improvement map!

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Annual Report

The Public Works Department is responsible for managing, maintaining, and replacing public infrastructure, including public buildings. The Department consists of the divisions of Buildings and Logistics, Engineering, Fleet Services, Geospatial Services, Parking ControlSolid Waste and Recycling Management, Street Maintenance, and Water Pollution Control. Together, the Public Works team is responsible for many of the vital services a city needs to run smoothly.

The Department’s Annual Report provides customers with information on the Department’s activities and service levels over the past year.

Awards & Recognitions

Did you know your community has an award-winning Public Works Department?

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Strategic Plan

It is always exciting to reimagine our future here in Public Works. The 2022-2024 Strategic Plan is a product of several thoughtful discussions among team members that represent various perspectives from all levels of the department.

This Plan is the third edition in six years and is meant to be an enduring guide toward the highest impact outcomes possible for this department and the community it serves. We believe developing leadership at all levels and team culture are the most important priorities. With a high level of success in each comes great outcomes for the individuals on the team and great outcomes for the community.

Read Public Works' Strategic Plan

Technical Provisions & Standard Drawings

Technical provisions and standards matter. For the latest updates, please see:

Technical Provision & Standard Drawings.

Department Head

Troy Shaw