Plans & Reports

The Community Development Department is responsible for developing many plans, reports, and notices to submit to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. A hard copy of each document can be viewed by visiting our office.

HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

To address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded the UG with $3,197,903 to perform eligible activities that must primarily benefit qualifying individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or in other vulnerable populations. In order to receive these funds, the UG developed the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan. Please see the plan below for more details.

HOME-ARP Executive Summary(PDF, 170KB)
HOME-ARP Allocation Plan(PDF, 6MB)

2022-2026 Consolidated Plan & Annual Action Plans

Every five years, the Community Development Department submits a five-year Consolidated Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that describes the housing and community development needs of Kansas City, KS, priorities, and goals. Each year the Community Development Department submits an Annual Action Plan to describe the annual projects and goals to support the Consolidated Plan. The first year Annual Action Plan is included in the Consolidated Plan.

Please email any comments on the 2024 Annual Action Plan Draft to

2024 Annual Action Plan Draft(PDF, 5MB)
2022-2026 Executive Summary(PDF, 2MB)
2022-2026 Consolidated Plan & 2022 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 8MB)
2023 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 15MB)

2017-2021 Consolidated Plan & Annual Action Plans

Every five years, the Community Development Department submits a five-year Consolidated Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that describes the housing and community development needs of Kansas City, KS, priorities, and goals. Each year the Community Development Department submits an Annual Action Plan to describe the annual projects and goals to support the Consolidated Plan. The first year Annual Action Plan is included in the Consolidated Plan.

2017-2021 Consolidated Plan & 2017 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 6MB)
2021 Annual Action Plan (as amended)(PDF, 494KB)
2020 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 6MB)
2019 Annual Action Plan with CARES Act Amendments(PDF, 5MB)
2018 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 439KB)

Annual Performance Reports

Every year, the Community Development Department submits a Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER), which describes the UG's progress towards goals and projects described in the Consolidated Plan and the Annual Action Plan.

Recent CAPER Reports
2022 CAPER(PDF, 958KB)
2021 CAPER(PDF, 1MB)
2020 CAPER(PDF, 7MB)
2019 CAPER(PDF, 3MB)
2018 CAPER(PDF, 22MB)
2017 CAPER(PDF, 21MB)

Citizen Participation Plan

The Community Development Department invites all community members to participate in developing our planning documents. We encourage you to review our current Citizen Participation Plan(PDF, 212KB) which outlines our steps to ensure public involvement in our processes.

Open Requests for Proposals & Grant Applications

There are no open RFPs or grant applications at this time.

2009 ARRA Stimulus Funds

CDBG-R Substantial Amendment - President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("Recovery Act") into law on February 17, 2009. The Recovery Act awards $1 billion in CDBG Recovery (CDBG-R) funds to be distributed to cities, counties, insular areas, and states, of which $10 million has been reserved by HUD for its administrative costs and $10 million will be awarded to Indian tribes.

Recipients of the remaining $980 million of CDBG-R funds will be the approximately 1,200 jurisdictions that received CDBG funding in Fiscal Year 2008. This CDBG-R Substantial Amendment sets forth the suggested format for grantees receiving funds from CDBG-R.

HPRP Substantial Amendment(PDF, 373KB)
CDBG-R Citizen Comment Form(PDF, 144KB)

2009-2010 CDBG-R Substantial Amendments

CDBG-R Substantial Amendment #1

Ensuring Responsible Spending of Recovery Act Funds

Funding available under the Recovery Act purposes:

  • Stimulate the economy through measures that modernize the Nation’s infrastructure.
  • Improve energy efficiency and expand educational opportunities and access to health care.

HUD strongly urges grantees to use CDBG-R funds for hard development costs associated with infrastructure activities that provide services to residents or activities that promote energy efficiency and conservation through rehabilitation or retrofitting of existing buildings. While the full range of CDBG activities is available to grantees, the Department strongly suggests that grantees incorporate consideration of the public perception of the intent of the Recovery Act in identifying and selecting projects for CDBG-R funding.

Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities Spreadsheet

Grantees must provide information concerning CDBG-R assisted activities in an electronic spreadsheet provided by HUD. The information that must be reported in the spreadsheet includes activity name, activity description, CDBG-R dollar amount budgeted, eligibility category, national objective citation, additional Recovery Act funds for the activity received from other programs, and total activity budget.

Budget Information(XLS, 20KB)

CDBG-R Information by Activity (complete for each activity)

  • Activity Name
    (Grantees should follow the same order that activities are listed in the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities this will allow HUD to easily match activity narratives with the information provided in the spreadsheet.) Sumner-Douglass Infrastructure Quindaro Ruins Preservation Project AYS/ USD #500OUTREACH Intl. House of Refuge Hillcrest.

  • Activity Narrative
    In addition to the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities, grantees must provide a narrative for each activity describing how the use of the grantee’s CDBG-R funds will meet the requirements of Title XII of Division A and Section 1602 of ARRA. The grantee’s narrative must also state how CDBG-R funds will be used in a manner that maximizes job creation and economic benefit in relation to the CDBG-R funds obligated, and will address the Recovery Act, by:
    • Preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery;
    • Assisting those most impacted by the recession;
    • Providing investment needed to increase economic efficiency;
    • Investing in transportation, environmental protection, or other infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits;
    • Minimizing or avoiding reductions in essential services; or
    • Fostering energy independence.

Each of the projects listed below were given priority as they will meet requirements of Title XII of Division A because contracts will be drawn based on bids within the (120) day required period. This will be achieved because each project is an expediently planned development where environmental reviews can be facilitated without problems anticipated and costs are based on the UG’s most recent experience. Infrastructure projects involve the UG Public Works Department, and which is easily accessible to assure that bids are timely and appropriate. As described below, all of the projects will preserve jobs and the two shelter projects will create future jobs to assist with operating the facilities and the provision of case management services to assist homeless youth and men who are among those in most need in seeking employment. The projects projected were all apart of the UG projections, but funds were not available to support the efforts.

  • Sumner-Douglass Infrastructure Project will provide alley improvements in the area of 7th & Oakland. The neighborhood has been a longtime priority where some new homes have been designed but stalled due to lack of funds. It is projected that 5 jobs will be preserved.

  • Quindaro Ruins Preservation Project will provide infrastructure improvements that will include curbs and sidewalks, street improvements, a restroom and signage for this historic site. The initial work for this project began in 2007 and the initial phase of development was completed in 2008. Funds have not been available for the infrastructure that is being projected. It is anticipated that this project will serve as a cornerstone of development to jump start a renewal of the Quindaro area, which is located in Priority Area One for redevelopment in our Consolidated Plan. This investment should lead to a face lift that will spur economic recovery in an area that has been hit by not only the current economic crisis, but a long-standing process of continuous decline in housing and small business activity. It is projected that five construction jobs will be preserved.

  • Hillcrest is a rehab project that will provide transitional shelter for (16) persons which includes some high school homeless youth. The building has been purchased by Hillcrest Ministries and cost estimates have been projected since this was a project that was submitted, but not funded by the Wyandotte County Continuum of Care due to the need for the agency to quickly acquire the property. It is projected that (50) jobs will be preserved for the rehab work and approximately (6) staff positions will be created to operate the facility and provide, case management and other services. A requirement of residency is that participants locate jobs to become self-sufficient.

  • Outreach Intl. House of Refuge for Men will be a rehab project that will provide emergency shelter for 16 homeless men. Approximately 50 jobs will be preserved in the rehab process and at 6 jobs will be needed to operate the facility and provide services. Through case management services, residents of the shelter will be assisted in locating permanent jobs. This facility will meet Energy Star Standards for renovation. Requirements will be set forth for future use of Energy Star labeled products such as heating and cooling equipment and light fixtures, etc. These efforts will reduce the overhead expense for the Shelter maintenance which will be a challenge. Current homeless data substantiates the fact that some men who may occupy the shelter are victims of job loss and other factors that impact individual ability to sustain families during this economic crisis.

  • AYS /USD #500 is a purchase and rehab project. A house has been identified that will require roof repair and some other minor repairs in order to be a suitable emergency shelter for 10 youth underage of 18, who are homeless. Approximately 50 jobs will be preserved during the rehab process. Supervision, life skills training, counseling and Case management services will be provided and therefore creating approximately 6 first time jobs since Wyandotte County does not have this type of much need facility. Jobs Created: (Report the number of full- and part-time jobs estimated to be created and retained by the activity (including permanent, construction, and temporary jobs)).

Jobs Created

Report the number of full- and part-time jobs estimated to be created and retained by the activity (including permanent, construction, and temporary jobs). We are projecting construction jobs for a total of 105 jobs preserved and/ or retained. There will be 18 permanent jobs that will be created by the shelters to maintain and provide future services to homeless residents.

Additional Activity Information

A description of how the activity will promote energy conservation, smart growth, green building technologies, or reduced pollution emissions, if applicable.

The men’s shelter will serve as an example for other shelter operators in the use of energy efficiency methodology to enable them to cut the cost of operations for generally underfunded social service programs.

Responsible Organization

(Contact information for the organization that will implement the CDBG-R activity, including its name, location, and administrator contact information)

The UG Department of Development will implement the projects. Local contractors will be hired for the rehab work and thereby providing opportunity for job retention or preservation and economic stimulation in the City.

  • Public Comment - Provides a summary of public comments received to the proposed CDBG-R Substantial Amendment.
    Note: A Proposed CDBG-R Substantial Amendment must be published via the usual methods and posted on the jurisdiction’s website for no less than (7) calendar days for public comment.

  • Response - A public hearing was conducted on Thursday, May 21, 2009. There were no public comments during the session.

CDBG-R Substantial Amendment #2

Read the public notice for the Second Substantial Amendment(DOC, 24KB)